Monday, October 6, 2008

4 Month Check Up

Today Taylan had his 4 month check up. 4 month's already?????? Anyway, he is now at 14lbs and 12oz. 24 1/2 inches long. The doctor said we could start him on solid foods any time we are ready. I'm not sure if I'm ready but it will be a treat to watch that go down. Taylan was so happy and such a ham in the doctor's office...until THE SHOTS! Oh my poor little boy. He is all smiles until that mean nurse (who I'm sure is really nice without a needle in her hand) sticks him in the hip and then in the leg. Not sure if it's more painful for me or for the boy. Overall, we had a great visit. Taylan is happy and healthy baby so far in his 4 months of his life.

1 comment:

cathyb said...

It is definitely more painful for Moms. I can't believe it is already 4 months...we have to figure out a way to make time stand still for awhile...Love you, Mom