Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday & Baptism

This weekend my mom turned a very young 60 years old. My Aunt Sherry, Jason and Lisa were in town for her birthday. We had a very fun weekend and an incredible dinner! On Sunday we took the opportunity while everyone was in town to have Taylan baptised. It was so nice and Taylan was so good. Taylan is very lucky to have two sets of God parents. Uncle Jason, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Shannon. Sadly, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Shannon couldn't make it but luckily Uncle Jason and Aunt Lisa were there to stand up for him.

After the ceremony, we had more cake and then it was time to say good-bye to everyone. It was a fun weekend. Happy Birthday Mom and Congratulations to Taylan! Taylan loved his cake! Especially the frosting! His birthday is going to be fun!

Hippy Hoppity ....EASTER!!!!

I told Taylan the Easter Bunny was coming but I don't think he got it until he saw the eggs and the dancing bunny. Dave had to work on Easter so we took a trip to Indianapolis to spend Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Butler. Taylan loved watching the singing and dancing bunny (he still does today) but his favorite was the plastic eggs that rattled.

The Easter Bunny brought Taylan some marshmallow twists in his Easter basket. Taylan loved it!

After church, we went to lunch. Taylan couldn't take it anymore. He needed a little nap on Grandma. I don't think she minded at all.


Taylan sometimes doesn't like to take his afternoon nap. This is him eating at dinner. Well, sleeping at dinner. Two nights in a row, he simply fell asleep while eating because he was so tired.

10 Months Old

He's 10 months old. The best 10 months! He's not quite walking but he's moving much more on his feet. When I say he never stops moving... he N E V E R stops moving! This was the best photo I could get of him with the sign. It's a lot of fun but he really keeps us on our toes. Taylan has found out how to open and close the door which he finds hilarious!

Dave has taught him to climb the stairs. At first it was cute to see him climb one step but now he can climb up all the way to the upstairs in a matter of seconds! Bathtime is still a favorite with him. No matter how tired he is, there's always time for bathtime! Splish Splash!

This has been a fun month for dad and Taylan. First the Celtics and then the Red Sox home opener day. Dad has fun dressing him in New England attire!

I can't believe I'm already starting to think about his 1st birthday! We love you Taylan James!