Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Mallory 2 Months Old
What a fun two months this has been. There is not much sleep at the Ray house but it's all worth it. Taylan loves his baby sister so much. He gives her so many kisses all the time. Mallory has changed so much in such a short time. I forget out fast it all goes by! Before she was born, I was worried about how I was going to possibly love anything as much as I love Taylan. Once she was born, I had no worries. It's true that a Mom's heart expands beyond belief. I can't believe how much I love these two precious angels! I know in my heart that Taylan and Mallory are going to be so close as they grow up. Every day is a new journey and I'm so happy to have these blessings in my life.

Going Home
Helping Grampy with the Truck
Taylan loves to be outside so when the weather was nice enough, we went out to play. Grampy took advantage of the nice weather and wanted to work on his truck. Taylan found it facinating and wanted to be just like Grampy. He watched and then when Grampy gave him a wrench, Taylan worked on the back tire while Grampy was in front. It was really cute to watch.

Thanksgiving in Boston 09
Thanksgiving in Boston was a lot of fun. There were so many cousins to play with. Taylan had so much fun running and jumping and playing with everyone! We brought his jammies with us over to Jeff and Shannon's in case he needed to fall asleep. There was no sleep in the picture, but he sure looks cute in his turkey jammies!

Gobble gobble! My little turkey!
Gobble gobble! My little turkey!
Haley Jane turns 2!
Cousins Cousins and more Cousins
All 7 Cousins on the Ray side! Taylan had so much fun with each and every one of them!
Maeve was really into the baby! She is going to be such a good Mommy some day! She liked to hold Mallory and where ever I was with the baby, so was she. It was so cute!
Cole was so helpful to Taylan and shared his Jello with him. Finally Taylan got his own jello and they enjoyed it together!
I walked into the dining room and found Taylan and Haley begging like little puppies to share ice cream with Grampy. Good thing Grampy likes to share!
I was trying to get Taylan and Haley to stand next to each other and say "CHEESE". Yes, I live in a dream world.
Nanna and Grampy Ray
Thanksgiving in Boston 09
Getting prepared for our trip to the East!

The plane ride was an event. Taylan is a very active boy and being confined in the airplane seat was a job all in itself. He was a very good boy though. We came prepared with snacks, books and videos. It was a very early morning on our way to the airport. We arrived to Midway in a minivan with 4 huge suitcases, two huge car seats, a big stroller, two kids, and Dave and Kristin with 2 carry-ons each. it was a site to see. Mallory slept on Dave the whole trip and I kept Taylan busy with videos snacks, the window, songs and books. We were on our way to Boston!

Even at 14,000 ft. Taylan is still protective of Mallory.
The plane ride was an event. Taylan is a very active boy and being confined in the airplane seat was a job all in itself. He was a very good boy though. We came prepared with snacks, books and videos. It was a very early morning on our way to the airport. We arrived to Midway in a minivan with 4 huge suitcases, two huge car seats, a big stroller, two kids, and Dave and Kristin with 2 carry-ons each. it was a site to see. Mallory slept on Dave the whole trip and I kept Taylan busy with videos snacks, the window, songs and books. We were on our way to Boston!
Even at 14,000 ft. Taylan is still protective of Mallory.
Fall is here
Berwyn is the city of Trees. Our house however is the ONLY house on our block that has this ONE GIANT tree in our back yard. Our yard is covered with leaves - good thing we have a small yard - so Dave is busy raking leaves. This year, Taylan found so much joy in helping his dad rake leaves. What Daddy does Taylan does. We even got him his own little rake but he prefers the big one... just like Daddy.

Halloween 2009
Halloween 2009
Grandma Butler makes the best sugar cookies. She spent a whole day making little bite size cookies for Taylan. Little purple bats, orange pumpkins and white ghosts. I think Mommy and Daddy ate most of them but Taylan got his fare share of cookies (one of his new favorite words - everything is "cookie".

Taylan just started to "roar" when he saw a lion (photos of course) so I thought it would be really cute for him to be a Lion for Halloween. He didn't think it would be so cute!

It was a nightmare getting the body of the lion on him and forget about the top part of the lion. He would have been a really cute lion. Instead, he was a really cute part lion part boy.

This is the rest of his costume that didn't go on.

One thing is for sure....Taylan LOVES his candy! Takes after Mommy and Daddy! He does like to share though. One for you then one for him.
Taylan just started to "roar" when he saw a lion (photos of course) so I thought it would be really cute for him to be a Lion for Halloween. He didn't think it would be so cute!
It was a nightmare getting the body of the lion on him and forget about the top part of the lion. He would have been a really cute lion. Instead, he was a really cute part lion part boy.
This is the rest of his costume that didn't go on.
One thing is for sure....Taylan LOVES his candy! Takes after Mommy and Daddy! He does like to share though. One for you then one for him.
Behind on Blogging
I'm so behind with my blogging. I don't even know where I have left off. Our computer was down for almost a month! Mallory is getting so big and Taylan continues to grow. I'm going to post some random photos I have just to catch up. Then I promise I will update more often. Why didn't someone tell me time flies by FASTER with two little ones??

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