Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today the HIGH was -10 degrees. This is my neighbor's house. We have icicles on our roof too but our roof is too high to get a good look at. I don't think ours are even this deadly! Tomorrow it's suppose to be even COLDER!

7 months old

WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE??????????? Was it really 7 months ago that I was laying in the hospital room wondering when he (or she at that moment) was going to arrive??? It's true what everyone tells me.. time flies. This has been the best 7 months of our lives though. Every day Dave and I are in amazement at how much more we love him than the day before. He has 4 teeth, can crawl, pull himself up, he loves to talk and he LOVES his jump-a-roo. He loves to dance and be sung to.... even by me. We love you Taylan James!!!!

Hat's Off

Go Celtics!!!

Red Sox are over, Patriots are done.... all Daddy has left this year is the Celtics. GO GREEN!

Up, Up and Up

Taylan is crawling all over the place. He can now pull himself up to a standing position. He is so proud of himself. It's so cute. The only not so cute part of it is that he doesn't know how to get down. He already has some bumps and bruises. I think I have a long road ahead of me when it comes to bumps, bruises and boy stuff.

Generations of Ray Boys

Grampy Ray, Daddy Ray and Baby Ray.

Tickle Me Taylan

Taylan is so ticklish! And there is that smile that just gets me everytime!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Accomplishments

This is Taylan's new thing. Pulling himself up on his knees. He is so proud of himself when he does it.I love watching him do new things and I love his smile and sparkly eyes when he has done something he is so proud of. I do think it's time to officially lower the crib. I'm proud of his accomplishments but I would hate to see him accomplish getting up and falling out of this crib!

Daddy Time



Nanna and Grampy come to Chicago

The day after Christmas we had some wonderful visitors to Chicago! Nanna and Grampy drove all the way from Massachusetts and stayed with us for a whole week. It was so nice to have them here with us. Nanna watched Taylan one night when Dave was not working and Mommy and Daddy got a much needed date night. Nanna got Taylan to eat so much cereal and fruits and veggies (but not peas - those just will not go down) and got him to nap like a champ! I think he put on 10 pounds just this week! I think they loved to play with Taylan and wake up to his infectious smile every day. We are going to miss them very much!

Johny Jump Up

Taylan loves this Johnny Jump Up. He laughs and laughs and jumps and jumps. Mr. Active! It's so funny to watch him. He of course loves to be watched too. He'll stop and pause until someone notices him and then he laughs really loud and then starts jumping again and again and again.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yes Taylan it's true, the Patriots season is over.

But you did have fun watching the game with daddy!

My First Christmas

On Christmas Eve, Grammy, Grandpa, Uncle Jason and Aunt Lisa came and we all went to a beautiful church service.



6 Month Check Up

The sign is backwards!

Taylan had his 6 month check up. 17 pounds, 27 inches. He is in the 50% for weight and 75% for height. He has two teeth on the bottom and two teeth that just popped through the top. He's crawling everywhere and is pulling himself up on his knees. He loves to laugh and jump and dance and he loves it when we sing to him.... no matter how bad our voices are. Talk about unconditional love! He has so much personality. I can't wait to see what the next six months bring for us! We love you Taylan!