June 13th,2008
"It's a boy!" We had our baby boy! Taylan James Ray was born at 10:05pm at Northwestern Prentice Hospital. My water had broke at 4:30am. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00am. I was not having contractions so at 9:30, the doctor's started me on petocin. It was a long long day in the labor and delivery room. At 3:30 I was only dilated to 4cm. The day went on and at 8:00, still only dilated to 4cm. It was looking like a c-section was in my future. At 8:50, I had called the doctor in due to serious pressure and WAH-LA.... I had progressed to 9cm!!!! at 9:30, I started to push and at 10:05, Taylan James was born!
He was and still is so precious. We counted 10 little fingers and 10 little toes, chubby cheeks and pouty little lips. Our hearts will never be the same. Welcome Baby Taylan. I hope we make you as proud as you make us. We love you! Mom and Dad
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