Thursday, August 14, 2008


I'm really enjoying my summer with Taylan. Today we pulled out a new play gym. It was so fun watching him kick and stare at the sounds and lights. Every day he grows a little more and it's amazing to watch him figure new things out. I can't believe my boy is already two months old. I have one more month at home with him and I'm looking forward to enjoying every second of it.


Sharon Harlow said...

Kristin, he looks so big in these pictures. He is growing up way too fast. He will be sitting up before we know it. Love - Aunt Sherry

bradleysmommy said...

He does look so big....hopefully it is just the picture. I need to come love on him soon! give little man a big kiss from me!

cathyb said...

What fun to watch him looking at the lights and listening to the music....he follows our voices now and seems to do something different every day...I miss him so on the days that I don't get to see him. Love, Grandma B

Anonymous said...

Taylon looks so cute in these pictures. I betcha he's even cooler in person!
We'd love to seem him.