It was a lot of fun. We hitched our first cab ride with the baby:

and took our first plane ride. Taylan called window seat! He did really well on the plane. They put us in the very back with the engine so even if he did cry, no one could hear him. But he was good. Slept the whole way.... just like a baby.

Nana was very excited to see her baby and his baby. Sweet boys.

We also got to show Taylan off to the whole family. On Saturday Jeff and Shannon had the family over so Talan got to meet the entire Ray side. We tried to get a photo of all the grandkids. WOW. What a moment that was. Cole wanted a solo shot.

Sunday my dear friend Carolyn hosted a Welcome Baby Taylan party at her house. She has a beautiful house with a pool. Taylan's first pool party. Taylan got to meet all my friends back East. The party was our very own Four Seasons' Tea Party. The food was yummy, the drinks were delicious and the desserts were perfect.

Nana was so happy to see her latest and greatest (don't tell the others I say that) grandbaby! Nana is in heaven with all her grandkids.

A trip back to the East Coast is nothing without a real New England lobster dinner.

It looks like everyone had so much fun on Taylans first trip. I can tell he fit right in with his cousins. What a fun trip it looked like. Especially the lobster dinner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aunt Sherry
That's where Haley's red phone went
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