At day care, Miss Sabina had a party. This was Taylan's costume during the day. BOO! The party was fun. We had pizza and everyone got to dress up. There was a pumpkin decorating contest as well. We thought we had the contest won but turns out, we came in second place to our good friends Lili and Diego. They painted their pumpkin like Mickey Mouse. It was a great pumpkin but I still think we got jipped. Look at our gorgous pumpkins!!!

For trick-or-treating, Taylan was a bumble bee. The party must have really wore him out because he ended up falling asleep as we were trick-or-treating. Candy must not interest him much. Let's hope he doesn't pick up on his mom and dad's love for candy. The costume was so cute but Taylan didn't really enjoy it much. Who would have thought that it would have been 70 degrees on Halloween night?? But it was worth it to stuff him into this bumble bee costume so I could see my little BAY-BEE on his first Halloween.

This is Taylan's friend Lili. She is our neighbor and our trick-or-treating stroller buddy. Look at Taylan. He's not really into the whole costume and getting candy idea yet. ha ha!

Happy Halloween! You are my favorite BAY-BEE of all times. You can sting my heart any day Mr. Ray! I love you!

Well Mr. Taylan, I think you made an adorable Skelton and Bumblee and I just love your little friend Lili's costume. It looks like your first Halloween was very fun! I bet you are more into it next year. I loved your pumpkins too !! You would have been 1st place if I was the judge. Love Aunt sherry
What an adorable little bumble bee:) Can't wait to see you and Katelyn together again in a few months!! Love ya, Tara
What a cute skeleton you make...although skeletons probably are not supposed to be that cute!
And the bay...bee is too adorable.
Next year you will be trick or treating with the big boys. Your jack-o-lanterns are spooktacular!!
Love always, Grandma B
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