8 1/2 months old and Taylan has 4 teeth all the way in and 2 teeth that have just poked through the skin. I thought it was time to start good dental hygiene so I got him a little infant toothbrush. He liked it! He was so cute. He cried when I took it from him. I hope this love of the toothbrush lasts through his toddler years!
ahh what a cutie...that smile...I just can't get enough of it. Boy do I wish Bradley likes his tooth brush this much!
Taylan, I hope you always enjoy brushing your teeth as much as you look like you are doing in this picture. You go boy !!!!!!!!!
You have to sing the song..
Brush, Brush, Brush your teeth,
Brush them everyday...
Brusha, brusha, brusha, brusha,
Brush that plaque away:)
Camden still sings it to this day!!
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