Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bath Time!

We love bathtime at the Ray House!

Taylan loves to help give his sister a bath. He has his own wash cloth and if I don't have one for him at the tub, he digs through the drawer and pulls them ALL out and gets one himself. He tries to do everything I do when I'm giving Mallory a bath. The only difference is, I get the water on Mallory. He gets the water down him, on the floor and then decides to run around the house with a wash cloth full of water. It makes for a fun clean up!

This is him saying "cheeeeeese." It's his new thing when he sees the camera.

A baby's life wouldn't be complete without some sort of incriminating naked baby photo now would it?? She's going to LOVE me for this one!

Too precious! I just LOVE BATH TIME!!!!


Nonna Illustration & Design said...

She looks like she is thinking, "I am a princess! Wash my toesies and kiss my belly! I will relax while you are bathing me."

Sharon Harlow said...

She will love these pictures when she gets older. They are so cute!!! What a sweetie pie.

cathyb said...

Love it...Love it...Love it.
I just love both of my babies so much. Grandma B

Tara said...

Love the bath tub pics of Mallory!! So darling:)